Springtime in New Jersey means unpredictable weather, wet roadways, spring cleaning, and the light at the end of the tunnel that is the New Jersey winter. The transition from winter to spring months can pose some unique hazards, however, both on the road and around the house. Here at Petro Cohen, P.C., we know all too well that springtime accidents can mean personal injuries for our clients.
That is why we composed a refresher list of safety tips to help you navigate the New Jersey spring season – free from injuries.
Beware of Motorcycles: With warmer weather and more hours of sunlight, many motorcyclists dust off the bikes and begin to hit the road, including many first-time riders. While you should always be aware of your surroundings when driving, pay particularly close attention for motorcyclists. Make sure to give them enough space (even more than you would a nearby car), and watch out for lane changes.
Watch Out for Bicyclists and Pedestrians: Just as warmer weather brings out more motorcyclists, it also means more bicyclists, runners, and pedestrians with whom to share the road. This is particularly the case in residential as well as downtown areas.
Many fitness enthusiasts use the spring weather to jumpstart their routines. Drive slowly and always yield to pedestrians (even when they don’t use crosswalks). Pedestrian and biking accidents may have terrible repercussions, so always be alert.
Be Cautious in the Fog: In the cooler months of spring, fog can pose a real problem for motorists. As snow melts and warm and cool air mix, thick fog may appear out of nowhere and cause dangerous driving conditions. When you drive in foggy conditions, use your fog lights as opposed to high beams; also, pay special attention to your surroundings for other cars, motorcyclists, and pedestrians.
Use Caution When Mowing Your Lawn: Just as motorists must use extra caution in the spring months, so must spring cleaners. Springtime is when many homeowners break out the lawnmowers and begin the process of cleaning up the yard.
Before revving up the mower, take a few minutes to ensure that all of the pieces are attached (and that no critters made your mower their home for the winter). Make sure you remember how to operate your mower, and always inspect your yard for loose objects, such as rocks and debris. A mower can fling a rock several feet if run over!
Petro Cohen – A Law Firm That Takes Personal Injury Personally
Have you or the family member suffered serious injury due to someone else’s negligence? You may be able to recover significant money damages for your losses, including pain and suffering, compensation for medical expenses, and a host of other financial hardships.
At Petro Cohen, P.C., our personal injury attorneys represent many accident victims. We have a reputation for fairness and strength, and we fight for full and fair compensation for our clients.
Call or contact us today for a free consultation. Talk to an experienced lawyer who can help you identify and sort out your rights. We can be reached by phone at 888-675-7607, or you can complete our online form.