Claims against public entities in New Jersey often involve injuries that occurred on public property. A public entity is responsible for injuries caused by the condition of its property if
- The property was dangerous at the time of the accident
- Your injury was caused by the dangerous condition
- It was reasonably foreseeable that the dangerous condition might cause your kind of injury
- The entity/employee created the dangerous condition — or at least knew about it (or should have known) and had reasonable time to fix it
You’ll need to prove each of these elements. A New Jersey personal injury attorney can help you understand what kinds of proof you might need.
Public entities can also be held liable when they know about potential hazards but fail to properly warn the public, resulting in injury. But the government will probably be immune if the hazard relates to unoccupied/undeveloped land, forestry, weather conditions (including acts of God), or ordinary traffic signals.
For more information on Title 59, which governs claims against public entities, visit http://law.justia.com/codes/new-jersey/2013/title-59
Contact our offices with your questions about injuries occurring on public property. Our experienced attorneys offer a free case evaluation.
Our experienced attorneys handle other types of cases as well, including:
- Automobile Accidents
- Trucking Accidents
- Bicycle & Motorcycle Accidents
- Bus Accidents
- Pedestrian Accidents
- Slip & Fall / Trip & Fall
- Dog Bite & Animal Attacks
- Dangerous Property Conditions
- Construction Accidents
- Product Liability & Industrial Accidents
- Claims Against Public Entities
- Wrongful Death Claims
The attorneys at Petro Cohen, P.C., also handle: