At Petro Cohen, P.C., we work with a wide range of workers’ compensation cases – from simple and straightforward to highly complex and detailed. Workers’ compensation claims are different for every employee who has experienced an injury or illness while on the job. To help ensure your rights, it is in your best interest to consult with an experienced attorney who is fluent in New Jersey workers’ compensation law and can make sure you receive all of the benefits to which you are entitled.
Benefits Provided Through Workers’ Compensation
Many people don’t realize that under NJ workers’ compensation law, you are entitled to receive three benefits: authorized medical treatments, temporary disability benefits, and a potential award of compensation after all medical treatment has been concluded. So while the insurance company may have accepted your claim and are providing you with medical treatments and temporary benefits, you may still be entitled to additional monetary compensation.
Here are a few other examples when an experienced New Jersey attorney will be beneficial to your case.
1) Benefits are not received promptly or a claim is immediately denied – The majority of workers who have a claim denied or benefits delayed don’t appeal the employer’s decision. However, both employers and their workers’ compensation insurance providers often deny an initial claim because they are aware that appeals are not common. If you have received a denial or a delay in benefits, you may benefit from hiring an attorney to help you through the appeals process.
2) An initial settlement does not cover all medical costs or lost wages – While workers’ compensation settlements are subject to judicial approval, the amount you receive may not be enough to cover all the expenses incurred due to your injury or illness. If you have outstanding costs not covered by your initial settlement, hiring an attorney is your best next step.
3) Ongoing medical issues as a result of your injury or illness on the job prevent you performing any work at all – Partial or permanent disability can be detrimental to your ability to earn an income, but employers and workers’ compensation insurance providers are not easily convinced that additional compensation for lost wages is necessary. Workers’ compensation cases that involve ongoing partial or permanent disability are best handled with the help of an experienced attorney.
4) Retaliation took place after a claim was made – If you lost your employment, were demoted, or experienced other retaliation due to your workplace injury, an attorney can assist you in getting the lost wages you deserve.
Contact Our New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Law Firm
If you have suffered an injury during the normal course of your employment, make sure you receive all the workers’ compensation benefits to which you are entitled. While each circumstance varies, complexities in your claim can make the process a challenge. To help you determine your rights as an employee who has suffered an injury while working, contact Petro Cohen, P.C. today.